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Low Sex Drive? Here’s How to Unlock Pleasure at the Source

Low Sex Drive? Here’s How to Unlock Pleasure at the Source

Let’s clear one thing up straight away: Experiencing changes in your sex drive or going through a “dry spell” isn’t unusual. In fact, research shows that one in three women from the ages of 30 to 59 will experience low libido at some point in their lives—thanks to a myriad of potential culprits ranging from hormonal birth control to stress to menopause. 

But we get it—knowing that so many other women go through this might be validating, but it doesn’t make a low libido any less frustrating. So, how do we go about addressing it? In Traditional Chinese Medicine, changes in sex drive usually point to some kind of underlying imbalance—and while there are certainly remedies to help enhance pleasure, the best longterm solution is getting to the source.

Below, let’s break down two common symptoms associated with sexual dysfunction—and how to unlock more pleasure from the inside out.

If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness…

Ancient Wisdom: In TCM, moisture is a Yin energy attribute—so when we’re experiencing dryness, it tends to indicate a Yin deficiency. Moreover: Estrogen, which is the hormone that helps regulate female sexual function, is also associated with Yin. (FWIW, this is why we tend to experience a Yin imbalance—and vaginal dryness—during menopause, when estrogen levels dip.)

When we’re experiencing a Yin deficiency, TCM suggests that we introduce cooling and watery foods like raw vegetables, fruit, and herbal tea. Yin can also be depleted through chronic stress (a common culprit behind low libido)—so addressing stress at the source is a crucial first step. A bonus tip? Keep your vulva moisturized with a topical product like our Hydrating Intimate Cleansing Gel, which contains Type III Collagen to help support hydration and elasticity.

Modern Science: Research confirms that vaginal dryness tends to be an indicator for underlying hormonal changes—whether that’s menopause, birth control, stress, or a condition like PCOS. Another potential culprit is an unbalanced vaginal microbiome or pH: When we use ingredients that aren’t meant for our vulva, it can throw off this delicate ecosystem. This can result in pesky yeast infections, itchiness, and—you guessed it—dryness.

Our advice? If you’re experiencing dryness unrelated to hormonal birth control or menopause, check in with your doctor to rule out an underlying condition. (And please, please, please stick to products specifically formulated to support your vulva.)

If you’re experiencing a low sex drive…

Ancient Wisdom: TCM tells us that Qi is the life force that circulates through our body at all times—so when we experience an area of low drive or energy, we consider how we might address any blockages that are getting in the way of Qi flow. Libido is specifically associated with our kidney, heart, and lungs—so when treating low libido with TCM practices like acupuncture, for example, we tend to focus on those areas.

Modern Science: Research shows that TCM-approved herbs like maca, wild asparagus root, and ginseng all have a positive impact on sex drive. 

A note on orgasm…

While our sexuality tends to be closely tied with Yin energy, the orgasm itself is seen as the ultimate release of Yang—the fiery, excited energy that builds during sex. It’s yet another reminder that according to TCM, the foundation of our health and vitality is balance. We’re at our best when our bodies are in complete harmony—and pleasure is no exception.

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